For Chatbots For Websites For Hosted PBX


Web Design Initial Meeting 1
Getting to know you and your business
Please take about 5 minutes to complete, complete as much detail as you can so that we can get a clear view of your business.

Full Names*

Full Names*

Email Address*

Email Address*

Contact Number*

Contact Number*

Industry you work in?*

Industry you work in?*

List the main services you offer?*

List the main services you offer?*

General availability for in-person follow ups and / or MS Teams meetings preferences?

General availability for in-person follow ups and / or MS Teams meetings preferences?

Total number of staff?

Total number of staff?


Do you currently have a website?*

Do you currently have a website?*

Your Website

Are there any aspects of your current website that you love?

Are there any aspects of your current website that you love?

Are there any aspects of your current website that you dislike or should be removed?

Are there any aspects of your current website that you dislike or should be removed?

Website Continued

What Pages should we create for you, e.g. Home, About Us, Contacts, etc?*

What Pages should we create for you, e.g. Home, About Us, Contacts, etc?*

Who are your top 3 competitors, what are their website addresses?*

Who are your top 3 competitors, what are their website addresses?*

Provide links to two websites that you really like?

Provide links to two websites that you really like?

Do you require any extra ordinary functionality to be built in for your website that will make you stand out?

Do you require any extra ordinary functionality to be built in for your website that will make you stand out?

Website Information

Upload Logo Here - png file

Upload Logo Here - png file

warningThis type of file isn't allowed
warningThe file size must be up to 5 MB

List your company colours, preferably with a Hex Color Code - Check this link for more info https://imagecolorpicker.com/en

List your company colours, preferably with a Hex Color Code - Check this link for more info https://imagecolorpicker.com/en

What is your Monthly Budget (this will help to understand and make sure we align to your requirements)?*

What is your Monthly Budget (this will help to understand and make sure we align to your requirements)?*

If you have an existing website, who is the hosting company and what are their monthly charges?

If you have an existing website, who is the hosting company and what are their monthly charges?

Do you have access i.e. username and passwords to maintain your website?

Do you have access i.e. username and passwords to maintain your website?

From a planning perspective, when will you want us to start working on your website?

From a planning perspective, when will you want us to start working on your website?

Additional Options

Website Addons

Website Addons

Value Proposition - Taking Your Business to the Next Level

Value Proposition - Taking Your Business to the Next Level

We like you.

So let’s stay in touch.

TELEPHONE: 087 109 1000

HOURS: MON-FRI 08:00 AM to 5:00 PM


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google play